High Net Worth Home Insurance

If your home is valued at significantly higher than the national average

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If your home is valued at significantly higher than the national average - more than approximately £500,000 - and with the likelihood that your home contents cover needs to be increased, your insurance requirements fall into a category known as high net worth home insurance.

This type of high value home insurance requires the specialist knowledge and expert care that are provided by QuoteRack's High Net Worth Home Insurance brokers - they understand your need for discretion and confidentiality when it comes to arranging high sums insured buildings and contents insurance.

A common misconception is that High Net Worth Home insurance is only suitable for the rich and famous. If you feel that standard insurance will not cover your home or assets, then High Net Worth Home Insurance can give you that extra cover you require.

High Net Worth House

Property values continue to grow, despite occasional fluctuations. Insuring property at the top end of the market is essential, you can leave nothing to chance.

What is High Net Worth Home Insurance?

High net worth insurance provides cover for your home and possessions if they are of a particularly high value, in comparison to what you would usually be covered for with standard home buildings and contents insurance.

What is High Net Worth Buildings Insurance?

As with most buildings insurance, the structure of the home is covered and will sometimes include outside buildings such as sheds or garages (if you are looking to insure an annexe, please visit our Annex Insurance page). With high net worth home insurance, some policies can offer unlimited cover or limits of up to £12 million.

When taking out High Net Worth Home Insurance cover, you will be covered for the rebuild value of the home. Please check with your provider to see how much they’re able to cover.

Examples of homes commonly covered under High Net Worth Home Insurance include:

What is High Net Worth Contents Insurance?

If you own items valued over £1,000, these would be considered high-value items. Whilst Standard insurance can cover items up to a certain amount; most standard packages will not be appropriate for such valuable items should an accident or theft occur.

Examples of items commonly covered under High Net Worth Contents Insurance include:

  • Jewellery
  • Fine Art
  • Antiques
  • Furniture
  • Clothes
  • Home Technology

What use High Net Worth Home Insurance?

If you have found that many standard insurance providers will not cover your home, it may be due to the size, value or features of your home. High Net Worth Home Insurance Brokers can provide bespoke quotes and cover based on your specific needs. Common causes for homes needing High Net Worth Home Insurance include:

  • Age of home
  • Location
  • Extra outbuildings
  • Home valuation

Surprisingly, homes with more than six bedrooms will often struggle to find a standard provider willing to find cover. Your home is an asset, so you will need effective insurance cover in case of theft, accidental damage or weather damage.

How can we help?

Fortunately, QuoteRack works closely with insurance brokers who can offer you access to specialised schemes offered by niche insurance companies looking to provide High Net Worth Home insurance quotes.

Frequently asked Questions

The type of cover you receive will depend entirely on your unique case, as well as what your insurer is willing to cover. However, common types of cover include:

  • Jewellery
  • Art
  • Antiques
  • Furniture
  • Clothes
  • Home entertainment
  • Mansions
  • Second homes
  • Outbuildings
  • Holiday homes
  • Listed properties

Sometimes, your cover can also include:

  • Worldwide cover for your personal items
  • Legal advice
  • Specialist fine art cover, including valuing your items
  • Liabilities cover if you have employees at home, such as cleaners or chefs

Who needs High Net Worth Home Insurance?

It is widely considered that anyone with a home over £500,000 and/or many items worth well over £1,000 seek specialist High Net Worth Home Insurance.

What are the exclusions under High Net Worth Home Insurance?

Common exclusions from High Net Worth Home Insurance include:

  • Nuclear hazards
  • War
  • Terrorism
  • Poor or faulty workmanship

Enquire through us for High Net Worth Home Insurance

If you have explored other avenues of enquiry in your search for High Net Worth Home Insurance, then you are welcome to submit your details through the QuoteRack website, without cost or obligation to proceed when you receive your insurance quote.

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